Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's about time.

Well, it finally happened, the Spokane Bertelsens have gone global. Kennet, Betsy, Elsa and Scotty (can't leave out the cat, after all he's typing) welcome you to The Bertelsen Bunch. That's right, now you can read all about our wacky adventures whether ye be in Minneapolis, Montana or wherever the winds make take you.

We'll start this blog off with another first. Yesterday Elsa got the opportunity to sample rice cereal for the first time. She appeared to be more interested in the spoon than the food, but all went well. It was an event marked with confusion and surprise, but both baby and mom came through unscathed and on good terms. Today the event was repeated with much better results. Elsa figured out that the spoon contained something edible (what a concept) and some of the "ick faces" went away.
Hopefully the laziness on my part (Kennet) and Betsy's fear of technology will be overcome to keep this blog updated and exciting. I can't promise, but I'll promise to try.

1 comment:

soccerem said...

i just wanted to say that i loved the picture of your baby reading goodnight moon. That was my absolute favorite book when i was younger.